Welcome to NAU Mock Trial!

The NAU Mock Trial club meets weekly and competes regularly, building member's skills by holding frequent imitation trials. These mock trials are based on cases given to us, and members will act as either witness, attorney, or both. This club is not limited to those interested in law school; anybody with an interest in court procedure or anybody with an interest in being a permanent witness actor are welcome!

The Mock Trial club competes in the American Mock Trial Association competition circuit, using the prescribed case and building upon it throughout the year until the regional tournament. These competitions are an opportunity to further and display members' skills, such as public speaking, critical thinking, and team building.

NAU Mock Trial Constitution


President: Mason Wulbrecht

My name is Mason Wulbrecht and I am NAU Mock Trial’s President. I am a senior at NAU majoring in political science with a minor in law and society. I would like to think I’m on a pre-law track, but we’ll see where I end up. In any free time, I enjoy swimming and playing poker. My goal this year is to create an environment where all of our members can learn the skills they need to do well in mock trials, learn to love the law, and feel like they are a part of a unique community here at NAU.


Logistics Officer: Ryan Roberts

My name is Ryan Roberts and I am NAU Mock Trial’s Logistics Officer. I am a junior at NAU majoring in Civil Engineering with a minor in Law, Justice and Rights. Besides Mock Trial, I enjoy playing bass, hanging out with friends, and just chillin, man. My goal this year is to increase member participation and present more opportunities for all members of the club.


Financial officer: Hannah Thomas

My name is Hannah Thomas and I am NAU Mock Trial’s Financial Officer. I am a senior at NAU double majoring in Crime and Criminal Justice and Psychology. I enjoy anything creative, hiking, and video games. My goal this year is to create opportunities for club growth and for further inclusion.


Secretary: Ethan Ward

Hi, my name is Ethan Ward and I am NAU Mock Trial’s Secretary. I am a junior at NAU majoring in Philosophy, Politics, and Law with a double minor in Political Science and Law and Society. I enjoy playing soccer, reading, and playing video games. This year I hope to take our club to the next level both competitively and in how we support each other as a community!


Social Media and Recruitment Officer: Meeah Rhodes

My name is Meeah Rhodes and I am NAU Mock Trial’s Social Media Officer. I am a senior at NAU majoring in Crime and Criminal Justice with minors in Psychology, Anthropology, and Social Science Forensics. My hobbies include playing the Sims, painting, and collecting candles. My goal this year is to make sure every member feels welcomed, encouraged, and supported.

Communications Chair: Angelina Colacino

My name is Angelina Colacino and I assist Meeah with website, photography, and graphic design needs. I am a senior at NAU, majoring in Psychology with a minor in Law, Rights, & Justice. Current interests involve building LEGO, playing DRG, and watching Drag Race.